PSoC 4: Measuring Distance with HCSR-04 and CY8CKIT-049 4200

Pulse High measurement (proportional to distance) of HCSR-04 (Echo pin) UltraSonic Ranging module using Timer component of PSoC 4

Psoc4 : Bootloader, Timer, Interrupts, Sleep, I/o, Lcd & Imo

A Software Only Clock demonstrating Timer, Interrupts, Sleep Mode, Power Over I/O, LCD Driver, Bootloader, IMO modification for PSoC 4.

Infinity Gauntlet

Making an Infinity Gauntlet to interface with my Artificial Life project.

Barbara: The Talking Ai Camera

A retro camera captioning every picture.

Smartsense - A Smart Assistive System For Blind People

A system for the blind which helps them walk through the street, as and also monitors their location and sends an SOS on button press.

Time-lapse Animations With A Raspberry Pi

In this resource you’ll write a small script to capture multiple images, using a Pi camera over a long period of time. These images can then be combined into an animated GIF, allowing you to view very slow events in a few seconds, using the power of time-lapse photography.

Sense Hat Random Sparkles

Create amazing random sparkles with your Sense HAT. In doing so, you will learn how to choose random positions on the Sense HAT’s LED display as well as random colours to light up the LEDs.

Build Your Own Weather Station

The original Weather Station kit is a HAT for the Raspberry Pi that allows it to collect weather data using a variety of sensors. It is designed to be used in schools to enable students to create their own weather station, and has a range of resources to support its use.

Build A Robot Buggy

In this project you will build a robot buggy that you can program to move around using simple Python commands.

DIY PCB Etching

Learn how to make a printed circuit board at home using the iron & laser printer method and ferric chloride etchant.

Real-time Laboratory Monitoring

Design and build a system to monitor the status of a Laboratory using the Microchip AVR-IoT WG Development Board.

Time To Live

How long do you have? A magic book to tell you exactly that!

Washing Machine Notifications

Get your "dumb" washing machine talking to Google Home and Android devices - never forget about the washing again!

Domestic Central Heating Radiator Efficiency Optimiser

IoT device to log input and output temperatures of a radiator. The plan is to get a display of temperature differential. One of the radiator valves can then be adjusted to change the water flow until an optimum drop is achieved. That is about 20F or 12C according to the Web, but Analytics on the data can help determine ideal.

All In One Led Light

Built Smart LED light with auto ON/OFF, brightness control and night mode using Microchip AVR iot WG development Board with Open Weather Maps and local time

Acoustic Levitation

We built another levitation machine with 72 ultrasonic transducers. We want to show that robotics and science can be really cool!


Choose the right plant for you, using Pick-A-Plant. This IoT device will help you find the best match for every location, using Microchip's AVR-IoT WG Development Board.

Asmd Shock Rifle

Making the Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament real!