Average Speed Head-up Display Unit - Giantboard

GPS to HUD for in-car use. To make sure a road's average speed cameras do not send you a letter in the post!

Wireless Linux Data Logger

A linux based data logger over SSH Wireless made with Giant Board

Rgb Hexmatrix | Iot Clock

HexMatrix is the LED matrix having many triangular pixels. Six pixels combining makes a hexagon. There are many different animations that can be shown on the matrix form FastLED library, Also I have designed digits from 0 to 9 using 10 segments for each digit in the matrix and made a IOT clock.

Build Rainbow Interactive Bridge Using Minecraft Raspberrypi

There are many projects you can do in the Minecraft world with the ras pi but it wasn’t enough, we were looking for something challenging

Diy Arduino Tic Toc Toe Game

Two player 4 by 4 Tic Tac Toe Game using Arduino Uno.

Sight: For The Blind

A pair of smart glasses for the blind. Powered by Android Things and TensorFlow.

Led Message Board

Make a DIY message board out of WS2812b LED strips and a raspberry pi

The Blissful Bumble Bee

A blissful bumble bee that spreads wholesomeness throughout the internet!

Sop System - Metal Gear Solid Inspired Nerf Project

An ID locking Nerf/Raspberry Pi project inspired by the SOP ID System from the game Metal Gear Solid.

Lora Gateway Based On Micropython Esp32

Using two LoRa nodes to send the temperature and humidity data to the gateway, and then upload it to the Internet through the gateway.

Freshbox - Covid-19 Disinfection Smart Box

FreshBox uses LED UV lights to kill viruses off the food packets, parcels, vegetables, masks, phone & literally for any items!

Rocket Nightlight

Every well functioning adult needs a nightlight, and we're building one that's touch activated and space themed!

Beating My Girlfriend At Scrabble With Raspberry Pi!

Ever wanted a way of telling you all the words you could use with your tiles on scrabble? What if it even told you how much those word scores? And you can built it completely yourself with Raspberry Pi? Well this is the tutorial for you

Build A Granular Synthesiser Using The Arduino

This project will teach you how to build the hardware for your own DIY synthesiser! The Auduino code (first written by Peter Knight) creates two triangle waves with adjustable frequency and decay, which combine to create noises via a granular synthesis. I added CV controls to the circuit, making it modular.

Cheap Portable Cocktailmaker Barbot Wit App!

Great to have and envoy with friends. Made compact so you take it with you on the go.

Diy Arduino 2-axis Camera Slider

In this project, I build a 2-axis camera slider from easily found parts. The electronics include an Arduino Uno, 5V Stepper Motors, and an LCD screen. Having 2-axes of freedom allows the camera to translate and pan at the same time. This compound movement creates very dynamic shots.

The Joy-mouse

The joystick that is not.

Dr Who Tardis Night Light With Google Assistant

Dr Who Fans, So I built a smaller version of this about 20cm high for my little boy a while ago and thought there needed to be a daddy sized one in the house.