Attiny85/13a Programming Shield For Arduino

No more messy wires! Looking for an easy way to program ATtiny85 & ATtiny13A microcontroller

Musclescroll:emg-powered Tab Navigation On Raspberry Pi 🔺🔻

This innovative project harnesses the power of EMG signals to enable intuitive and seamless navigation between web tabs & other interfaces.

How To Set Up Raspberry Pi 5 For Ai Projects & Machine Learn

With the Raspberry Pi 5, you can dive into AI and ML right from your desk.

Check Indoor Air Quality W/ Blues, Ifttt, And Adafruit Io

Learn how to build an indoor air quality monitor using the Notecard Cellular from Blues to sync AQI sensor data with Adafruit IO and IFTTT.

Coda88 Piano Sampler Eurorack Module

An eurorack adaption of the Coda88 sampler by Sandrolab

Ina226 Voltmeter & Gc9a01 Display Using Visuino

This tutorial shows how to use the INA226 Voltmeter with a GC9A01 Display in Visuino to measure and display voltage in real time.

Stm32 Robot Arm With Smartphone Control

Robot arm project with 6 servo motors wirelessly controlled via Bluetooth developed using STM32 and ESP32 microcontroller.

Arduino Radar Using Android Mobile App

This system detects obstacles and collects distance and angle information and can be controlled via Bluetooth via a mobile application.

Diy Automatic Pill Dispenser

After three years of work I have finally finished my automatic pill dispenser

Playing With Ultra-sensitive Magnetometer Rm3100

Read RM3100 magnetometer data and send it to IoT site for visualization

Multi-model Edge Ai On Raspberry Pi W/ Edge Impulse & Blues

Build a Python app that uses multiple ML models to perform object detection and anomaly detection + connect to the cloud via Blues Notecard.

Real Time Radiation Mapper Using Dfrobot Beetle Esp32 C3

Will guide you to build a Radiation mapper device with DFRobot Beetle ESP32 C3 and Geiger Counter.

Remote Nextion Display Updates With Particle Asset Ota

Update Nextion displays effortlessly with Particle Asset OTA. Deploy content, tweak visuals, and cut costs while ensuring peak performance.

Making Subnautica Scarier With Real-life Effects

By monitoring the health, oxygen, and depth in Subnautica, let's make the game scarier and more immersive with real life effects!

Creating A Arduino Powered Wizard Staff!

A motion-activated prop that combines LED visuals, sound effects, and an LCD to deliver random fortunes when moved.

Darkness And Light Detector Using Eog Signals

Develop an innovative system that determines the light environment (dark or light) based on EOG signals from the eyes.

Blinksnap: Eye-controlled Raspberry Pi Camera 😉📸

BlinkSnap is an innovative project that uses Electrooculography (EOG) signals to control a Raspberry Pi camera and capture images.

Energy Monitor With Blues Notecard

Monitor energy consumption of any load using Blues Notecard and the pzem-004T energy meter module.