Ultrasonic module test with stone lcd Module

Ultrasonic module test with STONE lcd Module

Esp32 Based Bitcoin Ticker

Bitcoin Ticker is Arduino code for ESP32 boards. This ticker displays the price of Bitcoin/USD and idicates whether the crypto currency went up or down. The price data comes from the CoinMarketCap API. All components and schematics are shown on the Github repo as well as Installation instructions.

Cellular Signal Heatmap With Raspberry Pi Pico And Gps

Create a Google Map heatmap with cellular and GPS data acquired by a Raspberry Pi Pico and Notecard, using Python and Google Cloud Platform.

Pi Pico Videoconference Controller

Build a controller with Pi Pico to manage audio and video of videoconference applications (i.e. Google Meet, MS Teams and Zoom.us).

Remote Gesture Controller With Mqtt

Wouldn’t be nice to control a robotic arm on the other side of the world and make it follow your gestures in the most natural manner?

The Affirmation Box 1000: Start Your Day The Right Way!

Want to Start your Day right every time? Get the New Affirmation Box 1000 by Engineering Dads. The first 100 callers will also get the Dis-Affirmation Box v2.

Wifi Dog Petting Robot

Building A Robot To Scratch My Dog While I'm At Work. I made a robot in order to pet my #1 dog while I’m not at the house to pet her myself. Unfortunately things take a turn for the worst when a cat shows up.

Dfplayer Mini Responding To Pir Motion Senor

DFplayer mini that's triggers every time the motion sensor picks up anything in the area.

Build Your Own Temperature Monitor With Meadow

Learn how to make a temperature monitor using an LM35 temperature sensor and a ST7789 SPI display using Meadow. Foundation driver library.

Music Lab, An Arduino Project

What is "Arduino Music Lab"? It is a project based on an Arduino microcontroller and a buzzer (a little acoustic signaler that can make sounds) which is able to play some traits of famous songs!

Rpi New Fan Control Feature

rspi-config got a new secret

Arduino Based Self Stabilising Platform

Idea is to make a platform which dynamically stabilises itself in a sort of gimbal-ish fashion. I saw a primitive version of this floating on reddit a few months ago, in which only single axis was stabilized. So here's my design with dual axis stabilization. It performs quite well for how simple its mechanism actually is!


This is an intelligent patient monitoring solution that uses BLE to collect data from patients and a unique ML core that predicts body parameters like cholesterol using non-invasive techniques.

7 Eyes Dice With Ble

It is controlled from Smart phone with BLE

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi Pico

Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico and OLED Display

Arduino Negative Voltmeter

3-channel voltmeter with the ability to measure both negative & positive voltages on the same circuit or 3 different circuits simultaneously

How To Make Rgbw Lights Using Aluminium Pcb

What Aluminium PCB is, Why do we need aluminium PCB, How it's made and how to use it.