Indoor-outdoor Environmental Classification Using Tinyml

This project is a proof of concept to demonstrate how you can implement Indoor and Outdoor classification using tinyML and Nordic Thingy:91.

Case From The Newly Released Tinyml Cookbook

Check out how to repeat a TinyML experiment on building a weather station from the new “TinyML Cookbook” and make the model smaller

Tinyml Monitoring Air Quality On 8-bit Microcontroller

Learn how to create a TinyML model and run it on MCU to detect chemical gases

Smart City Environmental Monitoring

An NB-IoT based environmental monitoring device for smart city applications.

Peg Box With Temperature And Humidity Monitor

In this setup, I am going to send the Temperature and Humidity readings to my Raspberry Pi based home server and store it in a MySQL database

Seeeduino Xiao Weather Station Using Expansion Board

We are going to build a simple weather station using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor.

Arduino Mkr1010 And Alibaba Cloud Iot By Using Grove Sensor

This project shows grove gas sensor V2 and Grove - AMG8833 8x8 Infrared Thermal Temperature of seeed studio integrated with arduino mkr1010.

Control Your Non-smart Ac With Alexa/ Google Home/ Siri

Modify the remote on your existing AC (or other appliance) to turn it into a smart AC using Arduino, Adafruit, and IFTTT.

Arduino Wireless Weather Station Using Nrf24l01, Dht11-dht22

Build a wireless weather station using two NRF24L01 modules that will Display both Indoor and Outdoor Temperature & Humidity.

Weatherbot - A Motorised Weather Machine

A WiFi connected weather forecasting machine. Shows a hyperlocal weather mechanically on a mini diorama & e-ink display for detailed outlook

O3-enabled Ble Weather Station Predicting Air Quality W/ Tf

Via Nano 33 BLE, collate local weather data, build and train a TensorFlow neural network model, and run the model to predict air quality.

Project Eel

Monitoring river water quality based on open-design multi-parameter sonde, built along with QuickFeather and SensiML service.

Arec - Agricultural Records On Electronic Contracts

Secure, robust, tinyML based delivery of agricultural products to its valid consumers is the most important step for our AREC.

Serial Communication Between 2 Arduinos - Display Tempera...

Connect Two Arduinos using Serial Communication & DHT11 Temperature sensor & send it over the Serial & display it on the OLED Display.

How To Use Cifs To Mount A Windows Share On Linux

The Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a mechanism for exchanging files across a network. SMB is a kind of CIFS.

Arduino Nano 33 Iot Eggs-hatching Monitoring

Internet of Things for Eggs-Hatching Monitoring Process

Arduino Temperature Alarm Led Display Flash And Beep

Temperature Alarm that will beep and flash when the temperature is out of out of boundaries. Watch the Video!

Automated Fan Control Application Using Tuya Link Sdk

An Automated Fan Control Application using Tuya Link SDK, Python, Arduino IDE with the Espressif’s ESP32 board and L293D motor driver.