
NXP - Cup


We are three students of the EIT master of Autonomous systems, with experience in different backgrounds and a great desire to learn.

Rob_inp_les Semi-croustillants

Une carte de puissance est ajoutée pour optimiser la répartition des ressources du véhicule. Un laser monté sur un support imprimé en 3D sera utilisé pour le challenge d'évitement d'obstacle.

Deodates - Autonomous Rover

A modified RC car for autonomous operations


nxp cup

Model M

Bulding a Autonomous Car


We build our own differentially driven NXP-Cup platform based on a 3D-printed chassis. We also developed our own control electronics around the FRDM-KL25z board.

Raspberry Pi Traffic Lights Using Hexabitz Modules

This Project demonstrates how to make a smart traffic light system using Raspberry Pi and Hexabitz modules.

Data Fusion With Hexabitz Imu Module (h0br40)

Build a tiny IMU data fusion logger by connecting Hexabitz IMU module to Hexabitz Micro SD card module.

Rc Arduino Domino Layer With Bluetooth App Control

How to 3D print and assemble your very own programmable and remote controllable automatic domino laying machine.Who likes knocking down absurdly long runs of dominoes? I do! Who doesn't like laying them all by hand. I don't. That's why I made this....

Diy Electric Skateboard – Using Arduino Led's

How to build a DIY Electric Skateboard faster than one you can buy, using an Arduino Nano to control the programmable lights.

Average Speed Head-up Display Unit - Giantboard

GPS to HUD for in-car use. To make sure a road's average speed cameras do not send you a letter in the post!

Slot Cars Laser Triggered Lap Time Glcd Display

I bought a pair of KY008 laser modules and a matching sensor, and I knew I had to make some cool project with it.

Arduino Robot Controlled By Android Smartphone

A great idea for symbiosis between Arduino and Android

Intuitive And Smart - My Nxp Cup 2020 Racer

Follow me through the development and build process of my autonomous model car pursuing a spot on the podium at this year's NXP Cup.

Autonomous Vehicle

The goal of the NXP CUP challenge is to design an autonomous car equipped with camera, microprocessor and sensors to perform different circuits. The car must be able to follow the circuits, avoid obstacles, accelerate and slow down autonomously.


Autonomous car which can fast race alone on white track and can omit obstacles. Also it can react to some special patterns noticed on the ground.

Mooomba - The Cow Roomba

Always wanted a cow, but don't have the space? Build yourself this Roomba-sized cow!