Vanity: The Automatic Selfie Stick

I was asked to put together a vanity project that expresses how much people can be engulfed by social media and the automatic. This selfie stick targets faces and tracks them to periodically take snapshots. Portable power and RealVNC for a totally wireless set up.

Using Arduino Yun To Detect Intruders

In this project I am trying to use amazon SQS and IOT services with temboo and arduino YUN to detect intruders.

Smart Home Automation Using Arduino

People have smartphones, so it makes sense to use these to control home appliances. Presented here is a home automation system.

Object And Human Following Robot

Object following robot which can find an object with range ... follow or avoid an object and human in specific distance.

Arduino Wireless Remote With 2.5ghz Nrf24l01

a simple NRF24L01 based transmitter and receiver. Transmitter is act as remote control and receiver will ON/OFF a LED according to data

Raspberry Pi Timelapse Camera In An Old Stagelight

A relatively simple time lapse camera that takes images every minute but discards dark images or substantially similar images.

Open Cv Face, Eyes & Smile Detection With Raspberry Pi

Using Python and haarcascades with OpenCV, you can create a device which does facial detection. Video here;

Automatic Door Locking System Controlled By Mobile

I made a simple mechanism for opening & closing my pre-installed door latch,and combined it with Arduino Uno via some simple coding.

The Ultimate Smart Door Lock Security System

Gain access by presenting an RFID keyfob, entering your PIN on the touchscreen and then entering a one-time code sent by SMS.

Visualizing Bitcoin Mining On Real Fpga Hardware!

This is an FPGA-based Bitcoin miner for educational purposes.

Using An Ldr Sensor With Arduino

In this tutorial i am going to show you how to use a LDR or Light Dependent resistor to turn on and off another circuit or a LED.