Touchless Musical Hand Wash Timer

Touchless hand wash timer that shows a countdown clock & also plays a rotating selection of 20-second jingles. Add your own jingle easily!

Two Tone Doorbell Using Ic 555

Saw someone selling a two tone buzzer on Aliexpress for $10. Immediately my brain said, are you serious? Just by investing a little bit of your time and enthusiasm you can make this circuit for under 3 dollars.

Imx-rt Drum Pad

This is simple Drum Pad built with Cap-sense touch and IMX-RT.

Audible Emotion

Create a personalised, mood-influenced Spotify playlist using the AIY Vision Kit and a Raspberry Pi. By detecting emotion and filtering songs based on their audio features and your own taste in music, you can create a responsive soundtrack that updates with your changing mood.

Volumio With Built-in Google Assistant

Google Asssistant SDK natively lacks music streaming and playback abilities. The Volumio on the other hand lacks smartness. By combining Volumio and Google Assistant SDK, we can have our own version of a smart speaker as close as it can be to a real Google Home.

Build A Granular Synthesiser Using The Arduino

This project will teach you how to build the hardware for your own DIY synthesiser! The Auduino code (first written by Peter Knight) creates two triangle waves with adjustable frequency and decay, which combine to create noises via a granular synthesis. I added CV controls to the circuit, making it modular.

Happy Birthday Song With Arduino Uno

I will show you how to connect speaker with arduino board and Happy Birthday with arduino code

Portable Capacitive Touch Piano

Make your own capacitive touch piano with slide keys. Use "Secret-Keys" demo jingles if your playing is not as good as your coding! :-)

Rubber Chicken Subwoofer

I thought it would be funny to listen to music via Rubber Chicken, thus this Bluetooth Rubber Chicken Subwoofer was born.

Arduino Macro Board W/ Mechanical Switches

This Macro Board is designed to be used, and customised to have as many uses as you can think of. The premise is that each key can be programmed to do whatever you like to make media controllers, gaming boards, designing software shortcuts and the list goes on. This project was really fun to make and a great project.

The Google Trends Powered Christmas Tree

Want to know how trendy Christmas is? Find out with this Google trends powered Christmas tree! Party mode included.

Basic Bass Guitar Amp

Let's rock with a DIY bass guitar amplifier, no IoT, no coding, no AI, just pure analog audio like the good old days.

Smart Helmet With Wireless Brake,turn Light & Bluetooth

This helmet has turn & brake lights for improved rider visibility and security synced with motorcycle and bluetooth headset DEMO VIDEO INCLUDED!

Sony DIY Retro MP3 Player

A plain vanilla MP3 player build with Sony Spresense board which has a display + 5 buttons for controlling volume/play/pause/changing songs.

Diy Electronic Horn For A Bicycle Or Car

The LM555 generates an electronic horn signal which is amplified by an LM386. The tone and gain of the horn can be easily varied. The horn can be used in a car, scooter, cycle, and motorbike.

Diy Musical Doorbell

Learn how to make a simple musical bell using the UM66T melody generator IC.

How To Make A Siren Generator

Learn How to Make a DIY Electronic Siren Generator circuit that can produce police car siren, emergency ambulance siren & fire brigade sound using the IC UM3561a Siren Tone Generator.

The Musical Chair

A musical chair to play the game of musical chairs with random household sounds. Made using a Circuit Playground, Processing and Pure Data.