
Smart glasses with a gentle memory assist.

Low power e-paper dashboard using ESP32

Rotary Encoder Using Arduino

The rotary encoder supports the user to interact with the system and in this project, we interface it with Arduino.

A Much Smarter Light Switch

What if you could do much more than just toggle your lights with this switch. N+1 principle in action!

Door Alarm Using Arduino

Security is a major concern so we have designed a door alarm system to recognize the presence of anybody at the door.

Grove Sensor Test Box

If you are using Grove Sensors quite often then you need a Grove Sensor Test Box to quickly test your sensors before using in your projects!

Portable Time-lapse Camera Using An Esp32-cam

This tutorial helps you to create a portable camera using an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython. The ESP32 takes a photo every 5 seconds and saves it on the microSD card. The photos can be then combined into a time-lapse video! :)

Ai Powered Bull**** Detector

The one device we all need, an AI Powered Bull**** Detector!


A BBC micro:bit user friendly experimentation tool

Electricity (current) Sensor

Build your own Smart Electricity sensor to detect the AC current in just 5 minutes.

Interfacing Stepper Motor With Arduino Uno

The project is about how to interface Stepper Motor with Arduino Uno.

Wemos Esp32 With Oled Display Using Micropython

How to use the Wemos Lolin32 ESP32 Oled with MicroPython

Humidity And Temperature Measurement Using Arduino

In this project, we are going to calculate the surrounding temperature and humidity and the same will display it on a 16x2 LCD screen.

Neopixel Led Controller

An ESP8266 based driver board to control WS2812b Individually Addresable RGB LEDs

Ac Voltmeter Using Arduino

We are going to create an AC Voltage Measuring Device using Arduino, which will estimate the voltage of Alternating Current.

Iot Display

Esp8266 based Internet connected tiny display driver for 128x64 OLED I2C Display that can show any data or information from the web

Arduino Ohm Meter

The main principle behind this is the voltage divider network. The value of the unknown resistance is displayed on the 16*2 LCD display.

Addressable 7 Segment Rgb Display

Addressable 7-segment RGB display using NodeMCU and WS2812b LEDs.