Air Quality And Weather Tracker Based On Bme680.

Using an the BME680 sensor it is possible to measure variables from the environment like temperature, air pressure, humidity and some gases to obtain the surrounding air quality.

Smart Seedling Grow Tray

An easy to build Seedling Grow System with some brain and remotely management features. It is designed to enable everyone especially children to grow seeds at home without getting worried about over or under watering them. Or are the temperature and humidity friendly for the chosen seeds or not?

Iot Plant Monitoring With Live Dashboard And Display Lcd

It is a system made using ESP32 for monitoring the various factors required for plants to grow. It provides a live IOT dashboard that can be

Internet Of Bees

A cellular hive monitoring system

Aiy - Quick Nature Guide

Quickly learn more about the nature around you with the AIY Vision Kit by Google in collaboration with the iNaturalist community.

Water Ways

A system for people with green thumbs, so no matter what the situation you garden stays as green as your thumb and vice versa.

Smart Garden System For Plant Monitoring And Watering

I made a plant watering and light monitoring system for a garden.

Aiy - Quick Nature Guide

Quickly learn more about the nature around you with the AIY Vision Kit by Google in collaboration with the iNaturalist community.

The Internet Controlled Bubble Machine

Blowing bubbles is a lot of fun, but it can be hard work. We can fix this problem by simply building an internet controlled bubble machine

Log Essential Features Affecting Plants Using Raspberry-pi

Collect the moisture content, temperature, light intensity from the garden and send it automatically to concerned mail.

Mooomba - The Cow Roomba

Always wanted a cow, but don't have the space? Build yourself this Roomba-sized cow!

Automatic Garden Waterer | 3d Printed | Arduino

I'm a keen gardener but watering your plants by hand during dry spells takes some time, and when your away from home they suffer. This simple project takes care of watering them automatically and can be combined with sprinklers, drip irrigation or watering trays.

Iot- Plant Irrigation System

Build your own automatic IoT plant irrigation system with soil sensor, Particle Photon, relay and immersible water motor.

Home Garden Kit

A simple solution for Home Garden with Cypress BLE's Mesh Technology.

Water Density Mapping For Plants

Mapping water content in the soil of agricultural land is challenging due to variations in the field. In-order to track soil moisture content, each plant is equipped with a CYBT-213043 and capacitive soil moisture sensor forming a mesh network and the paired android app stores the data locally and popups a visual representation.


Senso is a device that detects deforestation using sound analysis detecting machines used to cut down trees and warning the authorities

Automatic Smart Plant Pot - 3d Printable

Sometimes when we go away from home for a few days or are really busy the house plants (unfairly) suffer. This is my solution a Smart Plant Pot which includes integrated water tank, soil moisture sensor, water level sensor, pump and status LED all controlled by an Arduino Nano.


Choose the right plant for you, using Pick-A-Plant. This IoT device will help you find the best match for every location, using Microchip's AVR-IoT WG Development Board.