Tiny Gnss Module Interfacing With Microcontroller

Interfacing ultra-low power REYAX RYS8830 GNSS Module with Microcontroller.

Ic 555-based Pcb Snowflake

Winter is here, and the most interesting thing in winter is Christmas. As a PCB designer, I build a blinking PCB snowflake

Arduino Gesture Controlled Led Brightness

In this tutorial we will learn how to control the LED brightness using the gesture sensor and arduino. Watch the video!

Arduino Back To Work Reminder

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a work reminder using the Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.

Police Lights Using Neopixel Shield For Arduino Rgb Led

In this tutorial you will see how to make a Police Lights using the NeoPixel Shield for Arduino - 40 RGB LED Pixel Matrix.

Chatgpt Made This

Experimenting with outsourcing a project to ChatGPT to make a nice festive animated Christmas Tree on a Unicorn HAT and do the write up too!

How To Use Hexabitz Modules With Raspberry Pi Pico

Learn how to use Hexabitz modules with Raspberry Pi Pico.

How To Use The Tm1637 Digit Display With Arduino

In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to control the TM1637 4-Digit 7-Segment displays using an Arduino.

How To Create A 3d Potion Bottle In 3d Modelling Software

In this tutorial blog, we are going to learn the steps to design a 3D potion bottle in SelfCAD.

Streamdeck Alternative - Infinitedeck !

Infinite Deck is a macropad easy to use and with almost unlimited profiles.

Control The Lcd St7735 Backlight Brightness Using Pwm

In this tutorial we are going to change the ST7735 SPI LCD Backlight brightness using a potentiometer & Arduino. Watch the video!

Simple Lcd Battery Level Indicator 20x4 I2c

In this Tutorial we are going to make a Battery Level Indicator using LCD I2C 20 X 4 Display.

Arduino Neopixel Led Ring Fire Simulation

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Fire simulation using the Neopixel Led Ring Ws2812 and Arduino. Watch the video!

Online Payment Soundbox

An ESP32-based device that can receive SMS regarding payments, print it on the LCD display and also call out the amount loud. The device includes a DFPlayer Mini module that has an SD card attached to it. Based on the amount received, the specific number is called out using the speaker.

Stereo System & Spectrum Analyzer Using The Nordic Audio Dk

This project showcases the bi-channel BLE Audio spectrum visualization by making a DIY Stereo using nRF5340 Audio Development Kits

I2c Scanner - How To Find I2c Addresses On Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to make an I2C Scanner that will display an I2C Adress of the connected sensor or a module.

Turn Lcd On And Off With Push Button Using Arduino

In this tutorial we are going to Turn ON or OFF the I2C LCD using a button & Arduino.

Arduino Oled Invert Text With Push Button

In this tutorial we are going to Invert a text on the OLED Display by pressing on a button using Arduino. Watch the Video!