Build Your Smart-home Voice Assistant With Esp32 Terminal

This DIY Alexa Project with ESP32 offers a straightforward and accessible guide, providing comprehensive instructions for creating and configuring your very own intelligent voice assistant for your smart home.

Diy Digital Desk Clock With Elecrow Esp32 Screen

ESP32 Display can do a sea of projects. Today I wanna share a desktop clock project which automatically updates time and weather information. Using Elecrow’s ESP32 display to build your own IoT projects!

Make Your Mobile Phone Using Elecrow Esp32 Terminal Screen

Embark on an exciting DIY adventure with our mobile phone project, where we'll guide you through the process of crafting a functional phone call feature using the Elecrow ESP32 terminal screen and a 4G module, complete with a simulated mobile user interface.

Arduino Nano Esp32 Handheld Gaming Console - It Plays Doom!

Create your handheld gaming console using an Arduino Nano ESP32 and play Doom on the go.

Shake The Dice Using Atom Matrix Esp32

In this Tutorial we are going to make an Electronic Dice that will display a different number every time you shake the Atom Matrix ESP32.

Seeedstudio Wio Terminal Countdown Timer

In this tutorial we are going to build a simple Countdown timer using an Seeedstudio Wio Terminal.

How To Use Core2 Touch Screen Esp32 - M5stack & Visuino

In this tutorial we will learn how to use the Core2 Touch Screen by making a button to control the internal LED. Watch the video!

Get Time & Date From The Internet -ethernet Shield & Max7219

In this tutorial we will learn how to get the date and time from NIST TIME server using Arduino Ethernet Shield and Display it.

Ultra Low-powered Linux Computer Using Mcu

A portable computer that runs on a Linux operating system can fit in your pocket.

Make S-o-s Signal Using Atom Matrix Esp32

In this Tutorial we are going to make an S-O-S signal using ATOM Matrix ESP32.

Nearby Bluetooth Devices Scanner M5stack Core Esp32

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Bluetooth Scanner using M5Stack Core ESP32, to Scan & Display the Nearby Bluetooth Devices.

Turn Oled Display On And Off With A Push Button Using Arduin

In this tutorial we are going to Turn ON or OFF the OLED Display using a button & Arduino. Watch the Video!

How To Do Over The Air (ota) Programming For Esp32 & Esp8266

In this tutorial we are going to Update the ESP32 board using the over-the-air (OTA) process.

Arduino Dcf77 Radio Clock Receiver

In this tutorial we will learn how to use the DCF77 Radio Clock module using Arduino to display the date and time on the LCD display.

Traffic Lights Using Atom Matrix Esp32

In this Tutorial we are going to make a Traffic Lights using ATOM Matrix ESP32. Watch the Video!

Touch Cam - A Raspberry Pi Camera

Touch Cam - A 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Camera

Rotating Display

The Rotating Display is a compact disc-sized device that rotates quietly using a CD motor. It features 40 LEDs that display time and weather data sourced from the internet. The device is wirelessly powered and controlled via a user-friendly web interface. It uses Arduino nano and ESP-01s microcontrollers and is easy to assemble.

Subscriber Counter That Shoots Fireballs!!

Subscriber counter that shoots Fireballs ever 10 subs.