4-digit Countdown Timer (minutes And Seconds) - Arduino ...

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a 4-Digit Countdown Timer displaying Minutes and seconds using Arduino.

Light Meter Gauge Using Arduino

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple Light meter gauge using BH1750 light sensor and Arduino. Watch the video!

Arduino Laser Brightness Pulse Width Modulation Pwm

In this tutorial we will use a LASER Module & Arduino UNO and Visuino to make it change it's brightness using Pulse Width Modulation PWM

Arduino Pwm Signal On Oscilloscope

In this Simple Tutorial we will learn how to make a PWM using Arduino and observe the Signal on the Oscilloscope.

Arduino Display Date And Time On Max7219 8-digit Digital ...

In this tutorial we will learn how to display Date and Time using RTC DS1307 module and MAX7219 8-digit Digital LED Display and Visuino.

Arduino Display Temperature And Humidity On Max7219 8-dig...

In This Tutorial WE will learn how to display a temperature and humidity, using a MAX7219 8-digit Digital LED Display. Watch the Video!

Arduino Display Text On Max7219 8-digit Led Display

In this tutorial we will learn how to display a Simple text on the MAX7219 8-digit Digital LED Display using Visuino. Watch the video.

Raspberry Pi Crypto Currency Tracker Oled Display

A real time crypto currency tracker display for use with an OLED screen and any Raspberry Pi.

Iot Based Pulse Oximeter Using Esp32

In this project, I will show you how to make IoT based Pulse Oximeter using ESP32, MAX30100, and Blynk Application.

Arduino How To Make A Smart Button

In this project we will learn how to Turn the LED ON or OFF by pressing a button for 3s and also we can change its brightness while its ON.

Raspberry Pi Tic-tac-toe Game With Hexabitz Sound Effects

This tutorial will help you play and create Tic-Tac-Toe, a very renowned game we have all got our hands on since our childhood.

J.a.r.v.i.s: Led's Can Hear You.

The goal of the project is to create an intelligent system that recognizes and reacts to twelve keywords such as ON, OFF, etc. These keywords are transmitted from one device to another device over a CANopen network, where LED's respond to these keywords.

Mini Drum Pad With Imxrt

This is simple Drum Pad built with Cap-sense touch and IMX-RT.

Lcd Arduino + Stone Tft Lcd + Display Heart Rate

use Arduino to verify the heart rate and blood oxygen collection function of MAX30100. With STONE TFT screen for monitoring blood pressure

Nrf5340 Oscilloscope Band

Measure and Analyse Voltages on the Go with nRF5340

Nft Display Device: Your Portable Artwork Portfolio!

Collection of NFT's are growing, we all need a safe space to display them! Our phones and our computers are increasingly becoming private spaces, by having dedicated hardware devices equipped to load and curate NFT artwork we can comfortably show off our collections of amazing art!

Smart Response Xe Tiny Basic Port

This is a port of the popular Arduino Basic interpreter Tiny Basic Plus for the SMART Response XE handheld computer

Touchless Multifunctional Bedside Lamp With Digital Clock

I am going to make a touchless multipurpose bedside lamp, which will also include a digital clock, two power-ports and a USB charger