The Scorpion | Star Trek Inspired robotics

An Elegoo Robot Car Kit V3 with some additional Raspberry Pi tech and TensorFlow image recognition.

Wireless Vcr Controlled Over The Internet

Video surveillance has always been a hot topic and implementing ways to keep an eye on things remotely doesn't have to be difficult.

Transfer Learning Model On Google Aiy Vision Kit

Collect training data with Google AIY Vision Kit, build Hand Gesture Classifier via transfer learning, and deploy it on Google Vision AIY.

Kim Uno - A 6502 Kim-1 Computer On Arduino

Replicate the 1976 KIM-1 computer on an Arduino. Pocket-sized 6502 coding! Use serial port, or add small PCB to make a stand-alone device.

Connect Jetbrains Pycharm To Raspberry Pi

Let's be honest, this is the 21st century. We use IDEs for almost everything. I'll explain how to hook PyCharm up to the Raspberry Pi.

World's Smartest Home - Blockchain Chores & Kids Crypto

Jarvis Farley is a home automation system I created to manage our kid's chores and allowance using blockchain. It also does 99 other things.

Artificial Life Project

Using a Raspberry Pi with a Unicorn HAT in an attempt to make an artificial life experiment.

Pir Sensor Tutorial - With Or Without Arduino

A tutorial explaining the working of a PIR sensor.

Smart Home Automation Using Arduino

People have smartphones, so it makes sense to use these to control home appliances. Presented here is a home automation system.

Object And Human Following Robot

Object following robot which can find an object with range ... follow or avoid an object and human in specific distance.

Using An Ldr Sensor With Arduino

In this tutorial i am going to show you how to use a LDR or Light Dependent resistor to turn on and off another circuit or a LED.