Ir Remote Controlled Car Using A Protoshield

Making a smart car kit smaller.

Ramduino Deluxe

With many projects adding SPI flash or SRAM for additional storage, why not implement a cost effective solution by giving your Arduino access to your computer’s RAM and Hard Drive space that already exists?

Pcb Binary Watch

A PCB wristwatch that shows time in BCD binary form and the watch takes power from a coin cell battery. The watch is based on ATmega328P microcontroller and DS3231M RTC.

Simple Rgb Desktoclock Using Attiny85

RGB Desktop clock using ATtiny85 and neopixel

D U T Control Harness - D U T C Hess

With the pandemic forcing us to work in new ways, it is now more important than ever to work smart. Using the RT1020 EVK we can create a DUT Control Harness which can be used to control the power supply of a DUT in a lab, and connect via serial and Ethernet to enable remote access from home.

Diy "smart" Stray Cats House

House From Wooden Pallets,Heated Pillow,WiFi Camera,Food Transporter II Arduino project

Roll It Measure It

An invention doesn’t have to complicated but it has to be useful for the humankind.

Sandisp! Sanitizer Dispenser With Voice Notifications

Touchless hand sanitizer dispenser with voice notifications. voice notification available in 100+ languages.

Am/fm/sw Radio Receiver - Si4730 / Si4735

DIY AM/FM/SW/ DSP radio receiver, using Arduino Uno/Nano and a color display TFT ST7735 1.8in.

Downtime Alarm

A simple system to keep an eye on your server and alert you when it is down.

Diy Arduino Tic Toc Toe Game

Two player 4 by 4 Tic Tac Toe Game using Arduino Uno.

Add A Real Clock Calendar To Your Arduino

Use of the MikroElektronika Click Shield for Arduino and a RTC Click Board based on PC8583

Happy Birthday Song With Arduino Uno

I will show you how to connect speaker with arduino board and Happy Birthday with arduino code

3d Printer Clog Detector

I designed this small device to be able to alert me in the unfortunate event the nozzle clogs.

Micro Servo Robotic Arm

This project is a mini servo arm/claw controlled by a connected 4 potentiometers with an AtTiny84 Microcontroller. Initially, however, it was prototyped with an arduino.

A Smarter Green Thumb

Horticulture is the art and science of plant and crop cultivation. Healthy gardens require attention and a knowledgeable, informed caretaker. Technology can help to empower the amateur gardener and professional farmer alike with data to ensure healthy crop yields. Microchip Xplained electronics are ripe to provide that type of i

Pollution Parameters Monitoring System Using Bluetooth Mesh

A system for mobile real time air pollution monitoring system has been developed. This system is being developed with an aim to monitor pollution in real time. This system uses low cost air quality monitoring sensors with location and Bluetooth modules via mesh network. we can use Radio channel instead of Bluetooth network.

Real-time Laboratory Monitoring

Design and build a system to monitor the status of a Laboratory using the Microchip AVR-IoT WG Development Board.