Project Audiophile: The Ultimate Guide To A Custom Streaming

Do you want to build your own streaming Hi-Fi player at home? Khadas has created the ultimate guide for you!

Interfacing Winbond Memory Ic With Raspberry Pi 5

Will guide you to interface the Winbond memory chip with raspberry Pi 5.

1. Getting Started With The Ra8m1 Feather Som Using E²studio

This project guides you through running your first blink program on the RA8M1 Feather SoM, introducing you to the Renesas e² studio IDE.

2. Robotics Sensors With The Ra8m1 Feather Som

This project walks you through integrating common sensor types on the RA8M1 Feather SoM.

3. Controlling Outputs With The Ra8m1 Feather Som

This project walks you through controlling motion and visual outputs with the RA8M1 Feather SoM, enabling more advanced robotic systems.

Lego Clock-ds3231-i2c Lcd

My first Arduino build.

Wio E5 With Micropython

Will guide you to implement Wio E5 with Xiao ESP32 S3 via Micropython.

The Three Fridge Problem

Learn how to use three different radios (Cellular, Wi-Fi, and LoRa) to monitor three different devices, without changing your firmware!

How To Build A Line Follower Robot With Arduino

Learn how to create a Line Follower Robot using Arduino UNO, L293D Motor Driver IC and Line sensors

Wio E5 With Things Network Using Micropython

Will guide to integrate the Wio E5 with Things Network using Mircopython

How To Use Led Tactile Button Using Visuino & Arduino

In this tutorial, we will explore various ways to use an LED tactile button with Visuino and Arduino.

Espnow Countdown Timer Atom Matrix & Lite Esp32 M5stack

In this project you will learn how easy it is to send data between two ESP Boards using the ESPNOW - Peer to Peer Wireless Communication.

Rechargeable 3d Printed Humidifier

In this tutorial, I will show you guys how I designed and assembled the humidifier circuit into the 3D model.

A Minimalistic Dab+ Radio For The Visually Impaired

An easy to use DAB+ radio (not only) for the visually impaired. The radio is configured once using an intuitive web interface. Key components of the device are an Arduino D1 R32 microprocessor board and a DABshield board for radio reception. The radio is very easy to replicate. Full documentation is available on GitHub.

Control Neopixels Via Web Bluetooth Using Xiao Nrf52840 Sens

Will guide you to build a Web Bluetooth control Neo Pixels using Xiao nRF52840 Sense.

4x4x4 Pcb Led Cube

In this tutorial I'll show you guys how to make this super simple 4x4x4 PCB LED cube "without over complicating anything".

Control Linear Servo Actuator With Potentiometer Using Visui

In this tutorial you will learn how to Control Linear Servo Actuator with Potentiometer and Arduino using Visuino program.

How To Control Your Linear Actuator Using Light Sensor

In this Simple tutorial, you will learn how to control the linear actuator using the Light sensor module, Arduino and L298N DC motor driver.