Zelda Princess Hilda Led Staff Powered By Arduino

About the project

Arduino Gemma and Neopixel LEDs to give some life to my 3D Printed Princess Hilda Staff: Zelda Link Between Worlds.

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: AdafruitArduino

Estimated time: 2 hours

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

Polymer Lithium Ion Battery - 1000mAh Polymer Lithium Ion Battery - 1000mAh x 1
NeoPixel Ring RGB LED 24 x WS2812 NeoPixel Ring RGB LED 24 x WS2812 Neopixel Ring 12 for the lower part of the staff x 1
Gemma v2 - Mini Wearable Gemma v2 - Mini Wearable x 1

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic) Soldering iron (generic) x 1



I had my birthday party at the National Video Game Museum and everyone dressed up as their favorite video game character! I designed and 3D printed the parts, soldered some NeoPixels to a Arduino Gemma, wrote some quick code for the Neopixels using the Arduino IDE - and magic! Princess Hilda's staff from The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds had some extra glow. Neopixels make everything better!

1 / 4I had my Birthday Party at the National Video Game Musuem in Frisco, TX. Everyone dressed up as their favorite video game characters. This is how i made my Princess Hilda from Zelda: Link Between Worlds

Hardware Decisions

I decided to use an Arduino Gemma and Neopixel Ring for the lower part of the staff, and 2 Neopixel sticks and Gemma for the Triforce (top part of the staff). Both are small and great for wearables and cosplay props. I'm big on up-cycling of my electronics; I will scavenge parts from old projects and make something new!

Arduino Gemma

3D Printing

I modeled the parts in Fusion360 and 3D Printed the staff pieces using a translucent filament. I had an acrylic rod running through the middle of the staff, which made the Neopixel ring perfect for the job.

1 / 5(1st prototype on the left) 3D Printed with ABS Transparent Filament

1 / 4Neopixel Sticks for the Triforce

I'm not an expert, but I'm not afraid to be a beginner! Questions? Just ask!

Schematics, diagrams and documents

Princess Hilda Staff

Princess Hilda Staff Neopixel Ring (Lower part)

Princess Hilda Staff Schematic

Princess Hilda Staff Schematic (lower part of staff)

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce LED Neopixels and Gemma

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce Schematic

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce LED Neopixels and Gemma


Zelda Link Between Worlds: Princess Hilda Staff LEDs

RING LED (Lower Par of Staff) Princess Hilda LEDs for Neopixel Ring powered by Arduino Gemma

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce

Princess Hilda Staff Triforce Neopixel sticks


Photo of amiedd


//Maker of things.