Ublox Neo-7 Gps Tracking System With Qubitro And Arduino Mkr

About the project

GPS tracking system based on Qubitro IoT Paltform

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: AdafruitArduinoPlatformIO

Estimated time: 4 hours

License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

BME280 Breakout - Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor BME280 Breakout - Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor x 1
Ublox GPS Ublox GPS x 1
Arduino MKR1010 Arduino MKR1010 x 1

Software apps and online services

PlatformIO PlatformIO


In this project, we will implement remote monitoring via Arduino MKR 1010 to sense the environment and to track location using a GPS module and free public MQTT cloud which is operated and maintained by  https://www.qubitro.com/  ( Qubitro is a modern IoT platform where developers can design and develop IoT projects through the user-friendly portal and programmable APIs without worrying about infrastructure management and scalability ).

And also use Arduino in PlatformIO to program Arduino MKR1010.  We use sensor BME280 for sensing environment (air temperature, humidity, and pressure) and  Ublox Neo-7 GPS  for tracking location.

We could read https://docs.qubitro.com/ for detail setup using Qubitro IoT platform.

Required Components:

  • Arduino MKR 1010
  • PlatformIO https://platformio.org/
  • BME280 environment sensor
  • Qubitro Cloud 
  • Breadboard Electronic
  • USB Cable

  • Arduino MKR 1010 Connection Diagram:

    Schematics, diagrams and documents


    Ublox Neo-7 GPS Tracking System with Qubitro and Arduino MKR


    Photo of radhyahmad


    IoT Engineer and Master Student in ITB Indonesia


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