Rebuild An Rc Car With Esp32 & Arduino Code

Made by dbolanakis / Robotics
About the project
Rebuild an RC Car from scratch as long as the car features DC motor for the FW/BW movement and 3-wire Servo for steering wheel control
Project info
Difficulty: Moderate
Estimated time: 3 hours
License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)
The present document provides all the information needed to rebuild an RC CAR from scratch using ESP32-based microcontroller units (MCUs), programmed in Arduino environment. The current project applies to the 1:16 Xinlehong (XLH)9136 model, but can be easily adapted to any RC Car model that incorporates:a) DC motor for the forward/backward (FW/BW) movement of the car,b) 3-wireServo Motor (operating at 5V) for the control of the steering wheel,c) 2S LiPo battery (of 7.4 nominal voltage or perhaps of higher voltage if taking into consideration the specifications and limitations of the boards held by the proposed system).
To complile this project with Arduino IDE you need to install:
1) ESP32 package (run Boards Manager in Arduino IDE)
2) Servo ESP32 library, available at:
3) Adafruit_INA219, available at:
4) ThingPulse OLED SSD1306, available at:
Download a detailed report of the present project here
Step-by-step guide to help you rebuild anRC Car (in the following 5videos)
Step1: Acquiring data from the Remote Control device Step 2: Providing a RF link between the Remote Control device and RC Car Step 3: Detailed description of the RC Car hardware setupStep 4: Sending commands to the RC Car (i.e., FW/BW movement, L/R turn, Steering Wheel alignment)Step 5: Acquiring consuming Current and Voltage of the RC Car & sending data to the Remote ContolCAD, enclosures and custom parts
3D Printer file for RC Car Enclosure's Lid
SCAD source code file
source code for the 3D Models of the enclosure
3D Printer source file for RC Car Enclosure
This is the code for the Remoter Control device
This is the code for the RC Car system
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