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Push Notification For Doorbells

About the project

Get push notification for your doorbell on your smartphone! Never again will you miss a ring on your wired doorbell, leaving your visitor waiting outside the door. See more on:

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: ArduinoElegoo

Estimated time: 1 day

License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

D1 Mini D1 Mini You need an D1 Mini or a simmilar Board with an ESP 8266 x 1
3D Printer 3D Printer 3D Printer for the Case (optional) x 1
Wired doorbell Wired doorbell For sure you need a wired doorbell, cause without the project is worthless :D x 1
LiPo Battery (550 mAh) LiPo Battery (550 mAh) x 1

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE Arduino IDE
Pushover App Pushover App


Hello, nice of you to drop by and take an interest in the "Push notifications for doorbells" project.

I live in a flat with an unfavourable layout and therefore often missed my doorbell. This was often annoying because visitors had to wait outside the door for a long time or call me to open the door. 

Thanks to the project, I no longer have this problem. I also learnt a lot while implementing the project and I really enjoyed it. I hope you have as much fun realising it as I did.

You can find every relevant information to do the project on my website:

If you have any questions about the project, you can find my email address aswell on my website. Don't hesitate to write to me, even if you have suggestions for improvement.

Best regards



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