Netduino Connected Appliance Shield

About the project

Same code as example but with a scaled down single shield with 120 VAC in powering the Netduino and a relay to turn your appliance on/off.

Items used in this project

Hardware components

Sparkfun Capacitor Kit Sparkfun Capacitor Kit x 1
RF Energy Lab Box RF Energy Lab Box x 1

Software apps and online services

Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk Fusion 360
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Sparkfun Solder Paste Sparkfun Solder Paste x 1
Soldering iron (generic) Soldering iron (generic) x 1
Ultimaker Cura Ultimaker Cura x 1
Fritzing Fritzing x 1


Netduino Relay

When I saw the Connected Coffee Maker example I figured it would be great if it could be scaled down into a smaller package so it could sit quietly beside an appliance and control it.. so here is my idea it may not be perfect but as always inovation comes from invention and trail and error.. I am still figuring out the power supply side of things but the relay and the Netduino work together flawlessly.

I used the examples explained in Parts 2 and 3 of to make the code for the connected appliance board...

5 Amp Model

Produced Board from

20 Amp Model

20 Amp Model From

Bill of Materials for the 5 Amp Model

1 / 2This is the bare minimum to get you going about $35 USD to control an appliance

Soldering the Shield

Solder from Inside to Outside

Use another shield to keep pins square for soldering

optional : add a layer of silicone to the underside where the 120 volt pins are to prevent shocks fire and death.

Silicone 120 Volt Pins liberally

Preparation for install

Nice tight fit

Note you need to install the relay shield and optional Sensor shield before putting it in the box.. It is possible as that’s how I built it for the demo.

Tin the 120 volt leads with solder to prevent fraying

Wired up and ready for testing

Electrical Installation Notes

1. Test the relay before installing electrical wiring.

2. Do not work on this project with live wires... You can be hurt or killed.

3. Use a multimeter before plugging in the cord to ensure you don’t have any short circuits or worse a path to the Netduino. Meter from the hot screw on the input and go to ground with a continuity test and then neutral and then any exposed control wiring to make sure there are no mistakes..

4. Optional: Cover the exposed 120V through hole pins and relay pins with a thick coating of silicone to prevent accidents.

5. Have your project installed into the box before powering up. I designed it to protect the user and the electronics from accidentally coming into contact with yourself with any exposed wires. The lid can be screwed on afterwards when you are satisfied with deployment..

1 / 2

In Action

At the time of publishing I was still fighting with the Xameran application so I am just using the simple relay action app to show the Relay and shield really does work.


Download and install dependencies needed for the project.

First, open Visual Studio 2015 and open the files

Screen Shot of file opening Link

Files to open

One project is open and uploaded you have a couple of steps in the properties files.

Step 2 Project properties

Check this. Don't change if OK.

Micro Framework 3

Pick USB. The Netduino will show up if connected.

Pick USB

Change the pins here to Pins.GPIO_PIN_D5, in Ports.cs.

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;
namespace ApplianceHost
   static class Ports
       static Ports()
           ONBOARD_LED = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
           GPIO_PIN_D5 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D5, false);//Change the pins to use here to activate the relay
       public static OutputPort ONBOARD_LED;
       public static OutputPort GPIO_PIN_D5;

You also have to change the pins here in Requesthandler.cs.

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Maple;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections;
namespace ApplianceHost
   public class RequestHandler : RequestHandlerBase
       private static bool _isPowerOn;
       public RequestHandler(HttpListenerContext context) : base(context)
       public void getStatus()
       public void postTurnOn()
       public void postTurnOff()
       private void TogglePower(bool val)
           _isPowerOn = val;
       private void StatusResponse()
           this.Context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
           this.Context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
           Hashtable result = new Hashtable { { "isPowerOn", _isPowerOn.ToString().ToLower() } };

Also in Program.cs.

using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using Maple;
namespace ApplianceHost
   public class Program
       public static void Main()
           // initialize our network
           App app = new App();
           while (app.IsRunning)
               Debug.Print("still alive. " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString());
   public class App
       NetworkInterface[] _interfaces;
       public bool IsRunning { get; set; }
       public void Run()
           this.IsRunning = true;
           bool goodToGo = false;
           try {
               goodToGo = InitializeNetwork();
           } catch (Exception e) {
           if (goodToGo)
               Debug.Print("Network done.");
               // set initial state
               // start web server
               MapleServer server = new MapleServer();
           //this.IsRunning = false;
       protected bool InitializeNetwork()
           if (Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SystemInfo.SystemID.SKU == 3)
               Debug.Print("Wireless tests run only on Device");
               return false;
           Debug.Print("Getting all the network interfaces.");
           _interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
           // debug output
           // loop through each network interface
           foreach (var net in _interfaces)
               // debug out
               switch (net.NetworkInterfaceType)
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet):
                       Debug.Print("Found Ethernet Interface");
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211):
                       Debug.Print("Found 802.11 WiFi Interface");
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Unknown):
                       Debug.Print("Found Unknown Interface");
               // check for an IP address, try to get one if it's empty
               return CheckIPAddress(net);
           // if we got here, should be false.
           return false;
       protected void MakeWebRequest(string url)
           var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
           httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";
           var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
           using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
               var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
               Debug.Print("this is what we got from " + url + ": " + result);
       protected bool CheckIPAddress(NetworkInterface net)
           int timeout = 10000; // timeout, in milliseconds to wait for an IP. 10,000 = 10 seconds
           // check to see if the IP address is empty ( IPAddress.Any is
           if (net.IPAddress == IPAddress.Any.ToString())
               Debug.Print("No IP Address");
               if (net.IsDhcpEnabled)
                   Debug.Print("DHCP is enabled, attempting to get an IP Address");
                   // ask for an IP address from DHCP [note this is a static, not sure which network interface it would act on]
                   int sleepInterval = 10;
                   int maxIntervalCount = timeout / sleepInterval;
                   int count = 0;
                   while (IPAddress.GetDefaultLocalAddress() == IPAddress.Any && count < maxIntervalCount)
                       Debug.Print("Sleep while obtaining an IP");
                   // if we got here, we either timed out or got an address, so let's find out.
                   if (net.IPAddress == IPAddress.Any.ToString())
                       Debug.Print("Failed to get an IP Address in the alotted time.");
                       return false;
                   Debug.Print("Got IP Address: " + net.IPAddress.ToString());
                   return true;
                   //NOTE: this does not work, even though it's on the actual network device. [shrug]
                   // try to renew the DHCP lease and get a new IP Address
                   //net.RenewDhcpLease ();
                   //while (net.IPAddress == "") {
                   //    Thread.Sleep (10);
                   Debug.Print("DHCP is not enabled, and no IP address is configured, bailing out.");
                   return false;
               Debug.Print("Already had IP Address: " + net.IPAddress.ToString());
               return true;
       protected void ListNetworkInterfaces()
           foreach (var net in _interfaces)
               switch (net.NetworkInterfaceType)
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet):
                       Debug.Print("Found Ethernet Interface");
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211):
                       Debug.Print("Found 802.11 WiFi Interface");
                   case (NetworkInterfaceType.Unknown):
                       Debug.Print("Found Unknown Interface");
       protected void ListNetworkInfo(NetworkInterface net)
               Debug.Print("MAC Address: " + BytesToHexString(net.PhysicalAddress));
               Debug.Print("DHCP enabled: " + net.IsDhcpEnabled.ToString());
               Debug.Print("Dynamic DNS enabled: " + net.IsDynamicDnsEnabled.ToString());
               Debug.Print("IP Address: " + net.IPAddress.ToString());
               Debug.Print("Subnet Mask: " + net.SubnetMask.ToString());
               Debug.Print("Gateway: " + net.GatewayAddress.ToString());
               if (net is Wireless80211)
                   var wifi = net as Wireless80211;
                   Debug.Print("SSID:" + wifi.Ssid.ToString());
           } catch (Exception e) {
               Debug.Print("ListNetworkInfo exception:  " + e.Message);
       private static string BytesToHexString(byte[] bytes)
           string hexString = string.Empty;
           // Create a character array for hexadecimal conversion.
           const string hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
           // Loop through the bytes.
           for (byte b = 0; b < bytes.Length; b++)
               if (b > 0)
                   hexString += "-";
               // Grab the top 4 bits and append the hex equivalent to the return string.        
               hexString += hexChars[bytes[b] >> 4];
               // Mask off the upper 4 bits to get the rest of it.
               hexString += hexChars[bytes[b] & 0x0F];
           return hexString;
namespace System.Diagnostics
   public enum DebuggerBrowsableState
       Never = 0,
       Collapsed = 2,
       RootHidden = 3

Download and install Micro Framework

Setup your Network

Upload and run by pressing the RUN button on the top tool menu.

Let it compile and upload to the Netduino and this part is finished.

Here is a picture of Pin 5 activated before shield goes on.

Pin 5 High .

For the Xamerin Forms, I followed the tutorials here:

Next is the Xamerin program close out the program and start a new one as its a separate entity to connect to the Netduino.

Open the examples folder and open the appliance remote folder.

Open the examples folder and open the appliance remote folder.

Schematics, diagrams and documents

Basic Schematic

CAD, enclosures and custom parts

Netduino Power Shield Bottom

Go to download

Netduino Power Box Lid

Go to download





Conneted Coffee Maker


Photo of Jade7272


Journeyman Electrician , Electronics engineer for Penteon Corporation designing wireless sensor Arrays orb the internet of thingsboard