“mobile Video-phone Door Bell” For Home Automation
About the project
Provides property-owner video-phone call reception via app on mobile wherever he is. Totally wireless, with10-years battery autonomy,may be applied to any property even where there is no national grid and enables, by pressing of a single button, communication, via sw in the cloud, with the owner.Provides recording/playback store
Project info
Difficulty: Moderate
Platforms: Android
Estimated time: 6 weeks
License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)
Items used in this project
Hardware components
“mobile video-phone door-bell” for home automation, activated externally by ‘ringing’ (auctioning push-button), and (video-)call is automatically received on suitable app on his mobile phone by the property-holder (either locally or remotely), practically wherever the property-owner is (even if he is abroad). Moreover, the door-bell device may be considered to be ‘mobile’ in the sense that it can be moved around (dislocated) in different places around the property (indoor or outdoor) , or even from one property to another, provided it is within reach of a suitable Wifi signal, which assures the wireless connectivity between the device and the software logic in the cloud which manages the device and interfaces with the application logic of the receiving app, , and provided that it is located in a suitable place where it is sufficiently sheltered from external agents such as atmospheric or vandalistic phenomena, and also protected from tampering and pilfering by passers-by or external users of the device (ie visitors who use the door-bell push-button).
The app on the property owner’s mobile not only allows ‘answering’ of the door-bell in video or sound only mode or both, but also the making of recording of the signal (video/sound of both) that it receives from the device placed outside the property. It may record only what happens outside the property (ie the calling party) or also, on a split screen, also the ‘answering’ party (the property owner) engaged in the call. The recording may be played back at any time, or forwarded by e-mail to whoever may be deemed to be interested, at the property-owner’s discretion.
Block Diagram of solution
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