Iot Based Advertisement Billboards/hordings

About the project

Epsilon Advertisements - It won't be a problem to find one digital hoarding in your area. Since the introduction of Digital Advertisements.

Project info

Difficulty: Difficult

Platforms: CypressInfineonPythonThings On EdgeMQTT

Estimated time: 4 weeks

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

Cy8ckit-062-wifi-bt Psoc 6 Pioneer Kit Cy8ckit-062-wifi-bt Psoc 6 Pioneer Kit x 2

Software apps and online services

Modus Toolbox Software Environment Modus Toolbox Software Environment
Pycharm Pycharm For Python Scripts and creating Server Jobs
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL To store customer and advertisements information
AWS AWS As central system, To control many system and operate the whole network Automatically


Problem Statement:

According to the Arbitron study, billboard advertising is effective. Billboard advertising is effective for building brand awareness and broadcasting your business (or product or campaign) to as many people as possible. Because they're in such busy areas, billboards tend to have the highest number of views and impressions when compared to other marketing methods. Additionally, 56 percent of people reported later talking about a funny billboard they saw while on the road. A smaller percentage tuned into a TV or radio show because of a billboard ad or noted a phone number or web address displayed on one. The cost of billboard advertising depends on many factors including the location of your billboard, the total traffic in the area, and how many people are estimated to see your advertisement. Billboard advertising costs are typically charged monthly.

The main problem which I want to address is the procedure after the company or brand gives the contract to an advertisement company like :

1) Replace the old posters which are on different heights and it can also be dangerous to replace that poster and attach a new one in that place.

2) The advertisement company needs to record all this payment and the time period of this contact manually on paper or on excel sheets.

3) After completion of this contract, they need to replace their own poster if no near future contact for that place.

4) The cost of poster printing and after usage, this poster becomes a problem for us because most of the time that material was non-degradable and non-recyclable which also leads to the problem of pollution.

I want to address this problem by making this prototype project using PSoC 6 WiFi-BT pioneer kit and AWS services. My idea is to replace this advertisement notice type of board with digital billboards.

Advantages :

1) Digital billboards provide even greater creative freedom.

2) Saves humans repetitive work like replacing the posters.

3) Easily manageable through the Internet

4) We can automate this thing via servers that can automatically replace the default poster after contact completion

5) The client can also see the validity and situation of their contact through our website and can change their poster by just uploading a new image.

6) We can manage clients using servers and send them reminders for new contact and current status.


1) Initial installation cost will be high

2) Need Maintenance of this system



 1) Home Page: through the home page, customers can see the Famous and Top Rated Sites. They can search the sites according to there requirements of different businesses and areas. The home page also includes the Genric and Elements page through which you can adjust your parameters and features of BillBoard/Hoarding. 

 2) Login Page: Here is the Login/Register page through which a user can create their account and manage their Account, Hoardings, Dates, and Payments. 

3) Search Feature:  Here is the Search Feature of the Website through which Customers can search our sites based on parameters: Location, Property Type, Business, Area, and also the Rates for a particular site.

DataBase which is responsible to store Customer data as well as the website content

For my project website, I have created several schemas that are responsible for the particular section of the website. They are divided into  groups



















Here I have attached the picture and video of created DataBase Tables and Schemas:

TFT Display Bitmap Custom Image

Here is an image that I have created to display. Which I have defined as "default" in the code sample.

For that, we need to convert our image into 320*213 scale (X-axis* Y-axis)

Then need to convert that image into Bitmap for EmWin library compatibility so that the controller/system can process it and display it into a TFT screen using this EmWin library. 


Generally, to convert the Image into BitMap format, Already many software are available in the market. But to operate this project via Cloud using Automatic Jobs, I have created the Python Script for the same which converts the image into a specified format of C-Style Stream. Using this Python Script the Job/Task will take care of the uploading part of the Image from the Database to the Hoardings/Billboards.

Block Diagram and Working Flow :

1) Users can log in to the Website manage their subscription and payments as well as able to change the Advertisement poster according to the contract/agreement.

2) The server will run the Procedures to keep Sync between the database and Product status --> Examples: Procedure will keep looking if any changes in the database or any agreement will be near to expire then send a notification to the User or a payment reminder. As the user updates the Image through the Website it will call the API and after running the DB query it will pick-up the image from DataBase storage and Update it into PSoC 6.

3) The connection between UI and HTTP API to trigger the Updation query of the image into a product.

4) API will send the command to update the image or in other words, Send/Receive data from/to the Product and establish a connection.

5) It will update/transfer the data from/to the product. (Note: this is part is still not complete I am facing the challenge to this task. The expected result is Script will update the Image Array/File with the new image from Database, but facing problem in updating same image file using multiple calls to the server without changing the previously stored content)

Schematics, diagrams and documents

IoT based Advertisement BillBoards/Hordings


Python Script for Image to Bitmap

Python Script to generate C Style Stream from Regular Image format (.jpg, .png)

Bitmap Image file

The bitmap image file for TFT Display



Photo of Samyakkumar-Jain

Samyakkumar-Jain Student of Embedded Systems from Nirma University. Processor Architecture and RISC-V enthu.


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