Homemade Video Game Console Powered By Arduino

About the project

Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/YwMnKW-urns

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: AdafruitArduinoMicrosoftWindows

Estimated time: 3 days

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega with USB cord Arduino Mega with USB cord Serves as the computer/cpu of the game console x 1
RGB LED Matrix Panel - 32x64 RGB LED Matrix Panel - 32x64 Serves as the display/output of the game console x 1
Breadboard Breadboard Used as base of controller x 1
Tactile Switch Buttons 10 pack Tactile Switch Buttons 10 pack buttons for the controller x 1
jumper wires jumper wires M/M, M/F, F/F to hook up crap x 1
Or gates Or gates used on the controller to send an interrupt signal to arduino when a button is pressed x 6

Software apps and online services

Besides for the Arduino standard library and the C++ standard library all code was homemade Besides for the Arduino standard library and the C++ standard library all code was homemade


The project is a homemade game console that is powered by an Arduino mega. The games written for the game console make use of the two libraries that I wrote: an LED matrix library and a Game library. The controller used to provide input to the game console is also homemade.  

I made the project because I wanted to lol XD... Also, I needed a new youtube video :) 

It works by uploading a game/sketch that uses the two libraries mentioned above into the Arduino and then voila, the Arduino is running a game.  


Photo of BuzoBuilds


What's popping :) I am BuzoBuilds, a tech enthusiast! I am basically into anything that is related to software and I have a love hate relationship with hardware lol.