Futurama Death Clock
About the project
Press a button and the LCD display will display the date and cause of your death
Project info
Difficulty: Moderate
Platforms: Arduino
Estimated time: 5 hours
License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)
Items used in this project
Hardware components
Hand tools and fabrication machines
I wanted to make a project that involved a scrolling LED sign. I am still learning Arduino and figured this would be a great project to help me learn. When deciding what to create I kept in mind that the finished project would need to be interactive both physically and by twitch chat. I love Futurama so why not create something from pop culture?
Before you begin
You will need access to a 3D Printer or someone who can print the files for you.
Alternatively, you can make a case yourself, it’s basically a box with a hole for the LCD and button.
What is covered?
I will not be covering Twitch integration in this write up as I imagine most people would like to create a stand-alone version. I am happy to provide these steps in another article if there is enough interest.
I have listed this as a medium difficulty project, purely because removing and relocating the pins on the MAX7219 display is a PITA
What does it do?
User presses a button, the date and cause of death is displayed on the LCD
How does it work?
On pressing the button, a random date is chosen from a hard-coded set of parameters and a cause of death is also randomly chosen from a set of 26 options.
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