Items used in this project
Hardware components
This video shows you how to control most types of Bluetooth lightbulb using Puck.js.
The actual code used is:
- function setLight(isOn) {
- var gatt;
- NRF.connect("98:7b:f3:61:1c:22").then(function(g) {
- // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ your light's address here
- gatt = g;
- return gatt.getPrimaryService("33160fb9-5b27-4e70-b0f8-ff411e3ae078");
- }).then(function(service) {
- return service.getCharacteristic("217887f8-0af2-4002-9c05-24c9ecf71600");
- }).then(function(characteristic) {
- return characteristic.writeValue(isOn ? 1 : 0);
- }).then(function() {
- gatt.disconnect();
- console.log("Done!");
- });
- }
- var on = false;
- setWatch(function() {
- on = !on;
- setLight(on);
- }, BTN, { repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce:50 });
But you'll have to change the address to that of your lightbulb!
This code will work with Awox Smartlight C9 and W13 bulbs. For other bulbs you may need to use the steps shown in the video to work out which characteristics were used.
For the Awox Smartlight W13 you can also change:
- Brightness by writing a value from 0 to 127 to characteristic
on servicefff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032
- Colour temperature by writing a value from 0 to 127 to characteristic
on servicefff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032
You can buy the lights I used here from eBay:
- Awox Smartlight C9 - multicolour
- Awox Smartlight W13 - white, variable temperature
Espruino, Espruino Pico and Puck.js are low-power Microcontrollers that run JavaScript. Espruino is a JavaScript Interpreter for Microcontrollers that is designed to make development quick and easy. The Espruino interpreter is firmware that runs on a variety of different microcontrollers, but we also make Espruino Boards that come with the interpreter pre-installed and are the easiest devices to get started with. However Espruino itself isn't just the interpreter firmware or hardware - there's also the Web IDE, command-line tools, documentation, tutorials, and modules that form a complete solution for embedded software development.
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