Arduino Robot Controlled By Android Smartphone

About the project

A great idea for symbiosis between Arduino and Android

Project info

Difficulty: Easy

Platforms: AndroidArduino

Estimated time: 2 hours

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

HC05 CORE + 8K RAM + EPR HC05 CORE + 8K RAM + EPR Bluetooth module x 1
Servo Mount - Servo Plate B Servo Mount - Servo Plate B x 4
Arduino Nano 3.0 (with ATMEGA328) Arduino Nano 3.0 (with ATMEGA328) x 1

Software apps and online services

arduino IDE arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering Iron Soldering Iron x 1
3D printer 3D printer x 1


By harnessing the power of your smart phone, MobBob is a walking, talking robot with voice recognition and computer vision.


This robot is a great example of the symbiosis between the Arduino and the Android platform. The hardware part controls the Arduino, and the software processing is performed by a smartphone.    I made this robot according to the instructions on the website but with standard Arduino Nano  and HC05 bluetooth board.  The robot can perform a number of functions including moving forward, backward, left, right and a few playing modes.

        The most interesting is the interactive part where you can give him voice commands or activate face recognition system with which the robot follow your movements.This is possible with the help of speech recognition and face tracking tools on Android smartphone which is a very powerful toy.

You can download .stl 3-D printing parts at Thingiverse ( and Android.apk file(

In the code you will want to:  - Update the pin variables to match your build  - Tweak the servo center, min and max values  - Set "FRONT_JOINT_HIPS" to 1 or -1 depending on which way your hip servos are mounted. I mount it with the servo axle at the front of MobBob. For this configuration, set this value to 1.

  Schematic diagram is very simple and is shown in the figure below

Schematics, diagrams and documents



Arduino code


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