Arduino Robot Arm Follow Your Movement
About the project
We wanted to use The Tactigon ONE and T-Skin to move a robotic arm and have it follow our movements, like a shadow
Project info
Difficulty: Difficult
Platforms: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, STMicroelectronics
Estimated time: 2 months
License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)
Items used in this project
Hardware components
Hello! We made this project since we wanted to use The Tactigon ONE and T-Skin to move a robotic arm and have it follow our movements, like a shadow. By using 2 Tactigon ONE, one on the arm, the other on the forearm, and a T-Skin, weared on the hand, we made this possible! Other devices we used are a Raspberry Pi 3, an Arduino UNO, a BLE and a Servo Shields, and, obviously, a robotic arm.
Hardware Architecture
Lots of devices are connected here, so a little picture helps this:
Hardware ArchitectureThe Raspberry Pi 3 plays a fundamental role: it runs handle inputs from the human arms, translates it in servos' positions and then send the new position to the robotic arm. Nice!
The Arduino Robotic Arm is equipped with a Bluetooth Low Energy shield, with whom receives new servos positions, and a "servo shield" which allows to uncouple Arduino power supply from servos power supply, and so use high torque servos without draining current over the microcontroller's limit.
First Integration
The first step was to assemble few cardboards to resemble an arm: 2 joints to emulate elbow and wrist. This was to speed up tests, and avoid unwanted movement of the arm.
After this step we designed a little case with our favourite CAD and printed it out.
Our 3D Printed (half) CaseCi siamo costruiti le scatole e abbiamo realizzato il pezzo finale
Fabiano working on the systemSoftware Architecture
Now that we know how our nodes are linked, we can analyze the software running on each of them.
Tactigon One and T-Skin
They run an Arduino Sketch which process IMU's data and transform to Quaternions. This data is then published over Bluetooth Low Energy.
Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is running a Python script which uses 3 threads to communicate with Tactigon ONEs and T-Skin (T1, T2 and T3), a thread (T4) to handle all connections (and reconnect if needed), one for the UI (T5), and one (T6) to send servo positions to the Robotic Arm. T1 to T3 process data from quaternions to an angle, the new position of the arm.
Thread structure of Python Script running on Raspberry PiRobotic Arm
The Robotic Arm is running an Arduino Sketch too, which receives servo positions and applies to its servos.
This Shadow Robotic Arm is awesome since it can replicate human's movements with an higher torque (well, not the small unit we used in this test tho!).
Next step is to make it able to learn the movements, optimize them and replicate endlessly for Industry 4.0 purpose.
The Tactigon
The Tactigon is a brand of Next Industries Milano. Next Industries is a born of a passion to develop devices and sensors fit for Iot Technology. Our team is made of incredible experts in movement detection for big structural monitoring systems, software development and wearable device.
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