Open Muscle Sensor Band

The 12-sensor Open Muscle band is a key component in Open Muscle's prosthetic sensor suite. It integrates Pressure Myography (PMG) custom pressure sensors to monitor muscle contractions in real-time, primarily for controlling prosthetic movements using machine learning.

Project Audiophile: The Ultimate Guide To A Custom Streaming

Do you want to build your own streaming Hi-Fi player at home? Khadas has created the ultimate guide for you!

Interfacing Winbond Memory Ic With Raspberry Pi 5

Will guide you to interface the Winbond memory chip with raspberry Pi 5.

Diy Ultrasonic Humidifier

Build a cheap DIY ultrasonic humidifier with just a tiny module, a bit of water, and simple tools for cool, refreshing mist.


Power management module

Tillu | Robot

A Pet Robot #STEM

Muscle-powered Pi Music 🎶

Controlling Raspberry Pi Audio with EMG Signals and Hexabitz Modules 🎶🎵🎚️💪

1. Getting Started With The Ra8m1 Feather Som Using E²studio

This project guides you through running your first blink program on the RA8M1 Feather SoM, introducing you to the Renesas e² studio IDE.

2. Robotics Sensors With The Ra8m1 Feather Som

This project walks you through integrating common sensor types on the RA8M1 Feather SoM.

3. Controlling Outputs With The Ra8m1 Feather Som

This project walks you through controlling motion and visual outputs with the RA8M1 Feather SoM, enabling more advanced robotic systems.


SitSense: The AI Posture Police

Arduino Voltage And Frequency Simulation | Tinkercad

Learn how voltage controls frequency with this interactive Arduino simulation in Tinkercad, even if you don't have the physical components.

Ir Remote Controlled Car Using A Protoshield

Making a smart car kit smaller.

Lego Clock-ds3231-i2c Lcd

My first Arduino build.

Ros 2 Pick And Place System With Edge Impulse

A robotic system for efficient object sorting and placement in dynamic environments, using computer vision to guide the robotic arm.

Wio E5 With Micropython

Will guide you to implement Wio E5 with Xiao ESP32 S3 via Micropython.

The Three Fridge Problem

Learn how to use three different radios (Cellular, Wi-Fi, and LoRa) to monitor three different devices, without changing your firmware!

How To Build A Line Follower Robot With Arduino

Learn how to create a Line Follower Robot using Arduino UNO, L293D Motor Driver IC and Line sensors