New Delhi
29 Projects
Interfacing Winbond Memory Ic With Raspberry Pi 5
Wio E5 With Micropython
Wio E5 With Things Network Using Micropython
Control Neopixels Via Web Bluetooth Using Xiao Nrf52840 Sens
Groovin’ With Pdm, Neopixels, And Xiao Nrf52840 Sense!
Fun with IMU, React, and NeoPixels using Xiao nRF52840 Sense
Uv Intensity Detector With Beetle Esp32 C6 & Telegram Bot
Wireless Uv Intensity Monitor With Beetle Esp32 C6
Building A Fun Timelapse Camera With Xiao Esp32 S3 Sense
M5stack Core2 And Barometric Pressure Unit Using Uiflow 🌤️
Simple Voice Automation With Dfrobot Beetle Esp32 C6
Llm On Raspberry Pi 5
Building A Voice Controlled Sos System With Telegram Alert
Automate Power Profiling: Ppk 2 With Python & Unihiker
Voice Controlled Dht11 With Dfrobot
Voice-controlled Neo Pixels
Ultrasonic Sensor With Home Assistant
Static Ip Address On Xiao Esp32 S3 Sense
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