Embedded World 2023: The Fascinating Robotic Arm at Mouser's Exhibition

We had the chance to visit the Mouser stand at Embedded World 2023, where we witnessed something truly remarkable - a robotic arm serving a glass of sparkling water! The technology behind this robotic arm is fascinating, and we had the pleasure of speaking with Rafiq from Mouser, who took us through the details.

The main power supply board of the robotic arm is powered by ON Semiconductor, and it also provides some of the MOSFETs in the joints. With six joints, this robotic arm can hydrate the audience with ease. However, we had to be careful not to get hit by the robot while it was serving the water!

Rafiq also showed us the various components of the robotic arm, including the power supply board and a camera that can be attached to the gripper to give vision to the arm if needed. The MOSFETs in the joints are also made by ON Semiconductor, an essential component of the robotic arm.

 Robot arms are always awesome. Being near robotic arms is even more awesome. Getting served drinks by a robot is an overload of awesome. Now just get it to pour us cocktails like Brillo!

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