Tech Meets Fantasy: Stroopwafel Perfection and LOTR Smart Home Display

Today we look at two fascinating projects from the Electromaker community that highlight the creativity and ingenuity of makers! The first project explores a Stroopwafel detection system that uses advanced technology to perfect a simple culinary pleasure. The second project brings a piece of Middle-earth into your home with a Lord of the Rings-themed notification display. Both projects demonstrate how technology can be harnessed to create something uniquely personal and functional.

The Electromaker Show
Watch Ian talk about the project hub highlights in this episode of The Electromaker Show

The Stroopwafel detection system, created by Eamonmagd, represents the perfect blend of technology and culinary enjoyment. The project leverages an Arduino, coupled with temperature and humidity sensors, alongside OpenCV motion tracking, to pinpoint the exact moment when a Stroopwafel reaches optimal softness on top of a hot beverage.

Waffle Detection System - The PERFECT time to leave a Stroopwafel

The system employs a range of components to achieve its goal. These include the LM35 temperature sensor, DHT11 humidity sensor, an LCD display for real-time feedback, and a buzzer for audible alerts. By monitoring the Stroopwafel’s movement and temperature variations, the system provides timely notifications to ensure the waffle is perfectly warmed without the risk of it collapsing into the coffee.

Bringing Middle-earth to Your Living Room

This project by christoferjh, brings the magic of Middle-earth into your home with a large-scale replica of the One Ring. The ring is outfitted with WS2812b addressable LEDs and powered by an ESP8266 microcontroller, transforming it into a functional home automation notification system. This setup seamlessly blends the practical aspects of home automation with the beloved fantasy elements from The Lord of the Rings, creating a unique and immersive experience.


Integration with Home Assistant:

The One Ring is fully integrated with Home Assistant and Node-RED, allowing users to customize notifications with various animations. An intuitive HTML interface provides easy control over the LED patterns, enabling personalized light displays that correspond with specific home events or alerts. This integration ensures that the One Ring is not just a decorative piece, but a fully functional part of your smart home ecosystem.

Both of these projects exemplify the innovative spirit of creative overengineering. The Stroopwafel detection system and the Lord of the Rings notification display demonstrate how technology can be used not just for practical purposes but also for creating unique and personal experiences. These projects encourage makers to explore the joy of blending utility with creativity, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with everyday technology. Whether you’re a seasoned maker or just starting out, these examples show that the process of creation can be as rewarding as the final product itself.

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