Maker Faire Rome Hits October 12-14 2018

Maker Faire Rome, the European Edition hits on October 12-14, 2018. In typical Maker Faire fashion, this event will focus on the maker space. More specifically, Maker Faire Rome promises an onus on robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and spaceflight. Packed with innovators, makers, and visionaries, Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition will take place at Fiera di Roma. Boasting seven pavillions, it's a wide-spanning event with tons of coverage. Learn more about Maker Faire Rome 2018!

Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2018

The sixth Maker Faire Rome is slated to analyze several trends and topics. Chief among them, expec a concentration on the circular economy. This socio-economic transformation trend proposes an alternative to a liner economy which features maximum consoumption of a resource, before recovering that resource. This is particularly important and prevalent in the maker realm. 

Aside from a circular economy track, there are Internet of Things (IoT) showings, AI topics, sensor tech, biotech, science, and drones, plus a foods of the future among other neat talks and displays. Bruno Siciliano, Robotics lecturer at Federico II Univeristy of Naples and author of the “Handbook of Robotics," will tackle the robotics space at Maker Faire Rome.

Special guests include MIT programmer Don Eyles who spawned software such as a real Maker for all Apollo lunar landing missions. Plus, SpaceFlight magazine editor David Baker puts in an appearance.

Here at Electromaker, we love the maker space, especially Maker Faire events. Our very own Les Pounder, renowned maker and overall awesome dude, will be in attendance at Maker Faire Rome 2018. Since he'll be onsite, stay tuned for Electromaker offering social media updates.

Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2018 Tracks:
  • AI
  • Robotics
  • Circular economy
  • Space flight
  • IoT
  • Science, biotech, drones
Special guests:
  • Don Eyles
  • Bruno Siciliano
  • Les Pounder
Will you be at Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition Oct. 12-14 2018? What events are you excited for?