Interview with Zack Supalla, CEO of Particle: Unveiling the Tachyon and the Future of IoT

In this special edition of the Electromaker Show, Ian had the pleasure of sitting down with Zack Supalla, the CEO of Particle. For those unfamiliar, Particle is a company that delivers a comprehensive IoT (Internet of Things) platform, offering everything from hardware to cloud-based solutions. Whether you're a hobbyist or an industrial user, Particle has something to offer. In our conversation, Zack introduced the Tachyon, a 5G single-board computer (SBC) that runs Linux on a Qualcomm Snapdragon chip, making it an exciting new player in the IoT space. Let's dive into the details of our chat.

The Particle Tachyon: A Quick Overview

The Tachyon is a 5G-enabled single-board computer (SBC) designed with an Android-compatible Qualcomm Snapdragon chip. However, unlike most devices using similar technology, the Tachyon runs on a full Linux system. This is a significant departure from the typical Android environment you'd expect with such hardware, allowing for a more versatile and developer-friendly experience.

The Tachyon boasts features that make it a powerful tool for IoT applications, including AI acceleration and extensive connectivity options, including 5G out of the box. The hardware supports a wide array of peripherals, with USB-C ports for various attachments like cameras and battery packs, and compatibility with Raspberry Pi HATs. This versatility positions the Tachyon as an ideal solution for both hobbyists and industrial users looking to deploy IoT systems at scale.

The Journey of Particle

Particle's journey started about a decade ago with the goal of simplifying IoT development. Zack shared how they initially focused on microcontrollers—tiny processors with limited memory and capabilities. Over time, they expanded their offerings, providing tools and platforms to support increasingly complex and powerful devices.

The Tachyon represents a natural evolution in Particle's product lineup. As the capabilities of microcontrollers reached their limits, the need for more powerful processors became evident, especially for applications involving machine learning, robotics, and computer vision. Partnering with Qualcomm allowed Particle to leverage high-end smartphone technology to create a robust, Linux-based SBC, perfect for demanding IoT applications.

Interview with Zach Supalla - Particle CEO!

Why Tachyon is Different

Zack emphasized that Particle didn’t want to create just another Raspberry Pi clone. Instead, they aimed to fill a gap in the market by offering a more powerful, 5G-enabled device that could handle tasks typically reserved for more complex systems. The Tachyon is designed not only for prototyping but also for scalable, production-level deployment. It comes with the robustness required for real-world applications, such as over-the-air (OTA) updates and cloud-based fleet management, which are essential for industrial use.

Bridging the Gap Between Hobbyists and Enterprise

One of the standout features of the Tachyon is its accessibility. Particle offers a free tier for hobbyists and small-scale developers, allowing them to experiment with the device without incurring significant costs. This includes free telemetry data over the cellular network for basic tasks, making it an attractive option for those new to IoT or looking to prototype their ideas.

However, as Zack pointed out, the Tachyon is also built for scale. For enterprises needing to deploy large fleets of devices, Particle offers robust cloud services with features like security, scalability, and detailed audit trails—critical for industries where reliability is paramount.

A Call for Innovation

As our conversation wrapped up, Zack extended an invitation to innovators and makers: Particle is eager to see what creative and unexpected applications developers will come up with using the Tachyon. Whether you’re building the next-generation robot or a unique sensor network, Particle is keen to hear from you and support your efforts.

Final Thoughts

It was a pleasure speaking with Zack, and I'm excited to see how the Tachyon will be used in the real world. If you're as intrigued as I am, I encourage you to check out the links below for more information.

If you're interested in exploring what the Tachyon can do, you can still back the ongoing Kickstarter campaign. Early backers will receive their devices in January, with more units shipping in February. Visit Particle's website for more details and stay tuned for more updates as this exciting new product hits the market.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from the world of IoT, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Electromaker Show for the latest in maker and embedded technology.

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